trois points

The founders in three points...

Marked by three points, this is the emblem set by the universe of the three founders.

The cosmopolitan trio, composed by Teresa Vega Flores, Sophie Rodriguez and Julian Rodriguez, merges the world of couture with the culture of sports.


Designer in the plastic industry and real estate promoter for over 30 years, Teresa Vega Flores is eager to expand her activities in undertaking new experiences, following her intuition. This secret artist, art and fashion enthusiast, will launch her first anymous collection in 2005 characterized by a “couture” spirit. From the creation to the marketing of the collections, it is though her travelling journeys that she meets her partners and their universe inspiring her to create e-setera collections


After shaping a professional network as a model, radio and TV host, Sophie Rodriguez, is a community manager supporting e-setera visuals, campaigns, blog and social networks. Immersed in the high-profile sports industry, this communication artist will influence the collection through her fitness culture and her taste in the world of fashion.


From architecture plans to the coordination of construction project, Julian Rodriguez, animated by the "building-up" adds his skills to esetera by managing the technical, logistics and financial part.

trois points
Campagne e-setera

The e-setera message...

« Your difference is your strength»

A bit of utopist brand, e-setera has the desire to develop different collections that will reach out
to unique people, all ethnicities and all ages together.